
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Time for a U-Turn

So I have a confession.  This past week was a train wreck in terms of my health & fitness.  I missed more workouts than I got in, I made poor food choices on several occasions, I did not keep myself accountable.  In the past this is where I started down a slippery slope.  I would let a few bad days turn into an excuse to slack for the next few weeks, which would in turn throw me completely off track & eventually throw in the towel all together.
These days the story is different.  I am making a U-TURN!  I am putting the mis-steps of last week behind me & turning back to the ways that I KNOW lead to SUCCESS.  I made my meal plan for the week.  I did my grocery shopping so my kitchen is stocked with clean, healthy foods.  Tomorrow I start a new workout program, Focus T25.  I looked at my workout schedule so I know which workout I'm doing, when I'm doing it, and where I'll be working out.  I will keep myself accountable by posting my workouts & meals on my Fit Momma of Four Facebook page.
Follow my journey this week & beyond at and here a

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