
Monday, August 19, 2013

Why I love being a Beachbody Coach

In July 2012 I was two months post-fourth-baby & just a month away from returning to work as an elementary school teacher.  I could not fit in any of my work clothes, I was totally worn out from having a new baby & three other young children, & needed a big change.  That change came in the form of a Beachbody Challenge with my wonderful coach, Melanie.  Melanie & I had gone to college together & we were Facebook friends.  I often saw her posting about clean eating, exercise, and enjoying time with her family.  When I saw here post about her challenge group I was interested & signed up in hopes to gain some energy & lose some weight.
With Melanie's support, motivation, & advice - along with the other challengers in the group - I had the tools that I needed to stay on track & successfully lose nearly 40 lbs. & 20 inches with exercise, clean eating, & Shakeology in 90 days.  I was able to go back to work with more energy, I could now keep up with my 4 kids, and was also setting a good example for them to follow & teaching them healthy habits.  I was on cloud nine & wanted to keep the ball rolling.  I proceeded to join two more challenge groups & continued to have success!  I was feeling better than ever & was frequently sharing my success story with friends, family, & co-workers.  Each time I would refer these folks to Melanie she would invite me to become a coach so I could be the one to help my friends & family reach their health & fitness goals.  The first few times she mentioned coaching to me I did not think I had the time or ability to coach anyone...but the more I spoke to people & the more I shared the story of my fitness journey, it finally CLICKED!  I LOVE sharing health & fitness tips with people.  I LOVE teaching people about clean eating.  I want ALL my friends & family to feel as AWESOME as I feel....I should become a Beachbody coach!
Now I get to celebrate the victories, big & small, that my challengers are achieving each & every day.  I see people gain confidence, energy, and tools to live a healthy lifestyle.  I cheer them on as they drop pounds, fit into favorite outfits, and gain the stamina to finish an entire workout without stopping!  I get to hear good news all day long, I get "warm fuzzies" at every turn, and I get to help others....and I get to call this my job!  How awesome is that?!?!  On top of it all, it is enabling me to quit my full-time job as a teacher, stay home with my kids, & still contribute to the family financially.
If you would like the opportunity to help others, share your passion for health & fitness with others, get the opportunity to be your own boss, & control your own income send me a message.  I'd love to tell you more about the wonderful opportunity of being a Beachbody coach!  Find me on Facebook...

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