
Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Who remembers Beef-a-roni?  Macaroni noodles, beef, tomato sauce, cheese....yes children of the 80's let me hear you.  We were never fans of the canned stuff growing up, but my mom made an amazing homemade version that we looked forward to.

Last night I had a flash back to those days & decided to try cleaning up this old favorite.  It turned out pretty darn tasty...even the kids agree that it was yummy.

I started by sauteeing 1/2 of a diced onion.  Then I browned 1 1/2 lb. lean ground turkey with 1 tsp. sea salt, 2 tsp. black pepper, & 2 tsp. garlic powder.  Then I added in 1 cup diced tomatoes & 1/2 cup sliced sweet peppers.  

*This mixture would be great on tortillas, mixed with brown rice, or on top of salads!*

Then I boiled up some organic whole wheat macaroni & mixed in the meat & veggie mixture. 
BAM!  Turkey-roni was born!
To add that cheesy element I shredded a little fresh Italian cheese that we snagged down at the farmers' market.  YUM!

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