
Friday, December 12, 2014

Insanity Max 30, Week 1 Progress Report

HOLY COW!  are the first words that come to mind when I reflect on my first week of Insanity Max 30.  For a workout that I was totally petrified to even try I could not be more enamored & excited to wake up & get my workout in for the day. 

I am loving this new challenge & the great feeling that comes with pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.  This workout is no joke & I would not recommend it to anyone who does not already have a base level of fitness - so if you are a beginner let me guide you to a program that will better meet your needs & you can tackle this one down the road in your fitness journey.  I wouldn't want anyone to become injured or get discouraged because you start with something that is too intense for your abilities. 

Now by no means does that mean I'm the most fit fiddle out there - I am doing my fair share of modified moves with Max 30.  Those high impact power jumps are not friends with my knee joints, so modified city is where it's at come crazy jump time.  Speaking of the modifier, I love that they have done an awesome split screen shot on the modifier track so you always have full view of the cast member doing the modified moves.  You never have to guess how to best modify a move or lose sight of your new BFF.

I am loving the Max 30 nutrition plan & for any of you out there who have tried the 21 Day Fix, you will be pleasantly surprised - this nutrition plan is VERY similar & you can even use your pretty little color coded proper size portion containers again!  If you are interested in seeing my color coded meal plans check out my FREE meal plan group on Facebook.  Click here :)

Here are a few "sneak peaks" from my workouts this week:


So drum roll please, after only one week of Max 30 workouts I have already lost 2 lbs.!  My goal is not to lose a ton of weight, but to get back to my "ideal weight."  Over the past few months I have let my nutrition slide a bit & a few extra pounds slipped back on...Time to get those bad boys off & gear up for an amazing 2015!

I would love to have you join me on this journey.  I'll give you all the support, accountability, and motivation you need to succeed.  I will help you develop your meal plan & provide you with healthy recipes even your family will love. 

Fill out your challenge group application today!
Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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