
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Focus T25 - Days 3 & 4

Days 3 & 4 of Focus T25 proved to be challenging for me.  After four kids my core is not the strongest part of my body & there was a LOT of challenging core work in Total Body Circuit & Ab Intervals.  I am definitely feeling sore, but I know that soreness means my muscles are being worked & my body is changing!  I honestly haven't felt this sore in a long while.  I was getting comfortable, a bit TOO COMFORTABLE, in my regular workout routine & had hit a plateau.  I knew it was time to switch things up & Focus T25 came at just the right time.  I am thankful for the challenge & excited to take this journey right along side the challengers in my Beachbody Challenge group. Interested in starting your own fitness journey?  Email me at

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