
Monday, February 3, 2014

Healthier Pancakes for the whole family!

We have had a lot of snow days this winter, allowing us many more leisurely mornings than normal.  When we have extra time in the morning I like to make the kids a special breakfast.  A family favorite in our house is PANCAKES!   This morning I whipped up the tasty cakes above & everyone gobbled them up.  Here are my tips to make your pancakes healthier.
How to make a healthier pancake. 
*Make your own! Skip the pre-made mixes. You only need a few simple ingredients to make a great pancake. 
*Use whole wheat or another alternative flour (spelt, almond, quinoa). 
*Replace oil with unsweetened applesauce. It will eliminate fat, add fiber & a natural sweetness. 
*skip the added sugar. If you want to add a little sweetness to your batter add a little raw honey or Stevia.
*Rethink your toppings. Throw away your brown corn syrup in a log cabin shaped bottle. Get some pure maple syrup (a little will go a long way) or try something different! Unsweetened applesauce with cinnamon, a drizzle of raw honey, fresh fruit, fruit juice sweetened spread, clean eating apple butter...there are tons of healthy alternatives!

Click here for my favorite clean eating recipes!

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