
Friday, April 18, 2014

Free 7 Day Introduction to Clean Eating

Clean eating does not mean that I spent an extra long time scrubbing my vegetables before making my salad.  Nor does it mean that I eat nothing but "rabbit food."  Clean eating is a healthy lifestyle that has increased my energy, improved my health & fitness, and made me look at food in a whole new light.

I never thought of myself as a terrible eater.  I always enjoyed vegetables & drank lots of water.  I never ate a lot of junk food or drank soda often.  But when it came to sweets & starchy carbs, I was eating far too many!  Additionally, my portion sizes were way out of whack!  Did you know you could over-eat healthy foods??? You can!

Join me to unlock the mysteries of properly fueling your body, what to eat, when to eat, & in what combinations.  Find out how meal planning, food prep, and batch cooking can make healthy eating accessible for every busy family.

Would you like the opportunity to learn the basics of clean eating, be provided with a meal plan & healthy recipes?  The week of April 21 I will be running a Free 7 Day Introduction to Clean Eating via Facebook.  Email me at to join!  Have a friend or family member who could benefit?  Send them my way.  All are welcome.

Check out some of my family's favorite clean eating recipes here.

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