
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Healthiest Summer Ever!

Summer vacation is just a few short days away for my big kids & that means a lot of fun swimming in Gram's pool, picnics in the back yard, trips to the park, and special trips with all four kids. This COULD spell disaster for healthy eating habits & an exercise routine. 

We will be off schedule, I will be tempted to sleep in & skip my workouts, we will be out & about alot....what's a Fit Momma to do?  Create a community of accountability!

Who wants to work together to make this the HEALTHIEST SUMMER EVER for both you & your kids???

I am looking for 7-10 parents to join me in an online accountability group where we will share fun, healthy activities, recipes, & meal plans that the whole family can enjoy. We'll share tips for staying on track while on vacation & motivate one another.  I will help you find a workout program that will meet your needs & that you can fit into your schedule without taking away fun time with the kiddos.

I am looking for folks dedicated to making healthy choices this summer, folks who will participate & interact with the group, & folks who will share their experiences & ideas with the group so we can all help each other have the HEALTHIEST SUMMER EVER!

Fill out this application to be considered for this group.

Fill out my online form.
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