
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fall into Fitness Accountability Group

It's that time of year again when the air becomes crisp, the leaves begin to change, and women across the country are scared to open up their drawer of jeans.  Will they fit?  

Fall can be a busy time of year with kids returning to school, fall sports in full swing, and before you know it the holidays will be rolling around...

It is time to get your health & fitness on track now so you can
*rock your favorite pair of jeans
*feel comfortable & confident in any outfit your put on
*have plenty of energy to keep up with your busy fall schedule
*put healthy habits in place so you can successfully avoid over-indulging come holiday season

Now you are asking HOW???
In the Fall into Fitness Accountability Group!  I am living proof that accountability / challenge groups work.  I will share all the tips, recipes, meal plans, & motivation that worked for me to increase my energy, get into the best health & shape of my life, lose 40 lbs. & 20 inches, & started my whole family living a healthy lifestyle.  

Learn more about my journey here:

How can an accountability group benefit YOU?
You get individualized support from me, your coach.  I will help you select a fitness program that will meet your schedule, interests, & needs.  I help you customize a meal plan that will lead you to a life of healthy eating.  You are in a group with other people on the same journey - looking to improve their health & fitness in a positive, motivating environment.  You will have a place to check in, ask questions, & stay accountable as you go through the ups & downs of starting a new fit lifestyle.

Ready to JOIN?  
Submit your application below & I will contact you via email to get you started!

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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