
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February Focus

I used to think that if I took the time to workout or do much of anything for myself that I was taking away for my family or being selfish.  Now that I have been living a healthy lifestyle for over 2 1/2 years my prospective has changed.  I now realize that taking care of myself, making time to workout & make healthy food for the family all make me a BETTER mom, wife, daughter, & friend.  My healthy habits are trickling down to my family - they see me being physically active & strong & aspire to do the same.  I'm involving the kids in meal planning & cooking healthy dishes - they are more willing to try them & have come to love *most* of the clean eats we eat daily.
This February I want to help other Mommas find that FOCUS. 
I will share my tips & tricks to make small changes & daily choices that will make a BIG impact in your health & fitness in the long run.
Could you benefit from a supportive group of Moms cheering each other along to make healthier choices?
How about daily tips, motivation, support, & accountability?
Weekly meal plans & healthy recipes - do they sound good?
Pair that with 1:1 guidance from me to help pair you with a fabulous home workout that will
*fit into your busy schedule
*meet your needs
*help you crush your health & fitness goals.
Take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire & I will guide  you in the right direction for SUCCESS!

Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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