
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Healthy Through the Holidays

With the holidays fast approaching it is easy to get caught up in the hustle & bustle of this time of year & lose yourself in the process.  You know you will be busy with preparing the house, shopping for gifts, doing crafts, baking, wrapping, attending parties, cooking, going to the kids' chorus concert, seeing a holiday play, attending your company holiday gathering, hosting...
the list goes on & on.
How will you deal with the stress of the holiday season?
Many folks will turn to the comfort foods of the season.  Some may have a few alcoholic drinks to loosen up. A few may just curl up on the couch & let the stress overtake them.
This is NOT you....not this year!!
My game plan?
Workout daily, even if it's only for 30 minutes a day.  Make a weekly meal plan chocked full of delicious, healthy recipes my whole family will enjoy.  Live by the 80/20 rule - I know that there will be cookies, appetizers, & glasses of wine, I will enjoy them in moderation!
I plan on completing my all time favorite workout ChaLEAN Extreme (I always go back to my old standbys when I know the times will be toughest to stick to a routine) & I am looking forward to jumping into Beachbody's newest workout The Masters Hammer & Chisel in December.  With a plan of action in place I am more likely to stay on track.
How can I help you?
I will help you find a workout that will fit your schedule, your needs, & your goals.  I will plug you into a community of support in our private Facebook group where I will post daily motivation, tips, recipes, & weekly meal plan ideas.  I will help you trouble-shoot your areas of weakness (like those Christmas cookies calling  your name...)  I'll share some great healthier alternatives to holiday favorites that you can take to your gatherings. 
Your job is to commit yourself to THRIVING this holiday season, not just surviving.  Commit yourself to getting a jumpstart on those 2016 resolutions rather than digging yourself a hole you have to climb out of come January.  You check in daily with the group for that layer of accountability to keep you focused & on track! 
Gift yourself with better health! You deserve it!
Group requirements:
You must be doing a Beachbody home workout program (I'll help you select the one that best fits your needs)
You must drink Shakeology daily (learn more about Shakeology here)
You must be ready to approach this holiday season with a positive attitude & ready to roll into 2016 with some healthy habits in place.
If you are ready to get the ball rolling, complete the questionnaire below & I will contact  you with more info via email.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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