
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What an amazing ride this life thing is...

Being a mom to four beautiful babies, I never really expected to feel comfortable in photographs, warm weather clothing, or even my own skin again.  I thought that I was going to be wearing frumpy mom jeans & flowy tops for the rest of my days.
I started working out & eating clean with the simple goal of getting out of my maternity gear before heading back to my classroom.  Not only did I fit back into my "normal" clothes, but they were too big & I had to buy some new, smaller clothes.
What's more...I actually had the energy to keep up with my 4 active kiddos.  I could work a full day teaching elementary school & still have energy to love on my own family.
I had a lot of my co-workers & friends asking me "how did you do it?" & I realized that I could help others take the mystery out of what had become second nature to me...simple, daily steps to healthy living.  I could provide the support & accountability that others needed to start & stick with a healthy lifestyle.  I could do this because I had been there.  I had walked that road.  I had had those struggles.  And I had finally found success.  No magic pills, no quick fixes...just small, daily decisions & actions that helped me to successfully lose 40 lbs & 20 inches.
Over three years later I am still as passionate about helping others as I was when I had my first transformation story.  I want to help other moms see the value in healthy living...not just to help them rock their favorite pre-baby jeans, but to live a healthy life for the benefit of their entire family.
What started with vanity turned into passion.  What started with me barely able to do one push up has turned into me teaching weekly PiYo Live classes.  What started as a goal to help just 10 people improve their health has turned into my opportunity to be my own boss, work from home, & change the lives of HUNDREDS of folks in my online accountability groups.
You don't have to be great to start, but to become great you must get started. 
If you are ready to take control of your health & fitness and start living a healthier lifestyle one simple step at a time, contact me today.  I am here to help with small, daily steps to simply healthier living for you & your family.