
Monday, February 10, 2014

Making a healthy U-Turn

This weekend I totally went off-track.  My husband threw a surprise birthday party for my upcoming milestone birthday (mid-thirties, here I come!) and the house was filled with many of my favorite cheat, chips & dips, cake, ice cream...and I over-indulged.  My stomach is not happy with me & I'm feeling kind of blah.  It would be easy to pull the covers over my head & throw in the towel, but I have big goals.  I have four kids who depend on me.  I NEED to be at my best!  I need to be on my A-game!  So I am going to make a HEALTHY U-TURN starting today to get me back on track!
I'm going to Stop, Collaborate, & Listen!  No, I'm not listening to Vanilla Ice (though that does make me want to have an awesome 90's dance party with my boys)....

I'm going to STOP going down the slippery slope of poor food choices & get turned in the right direction.  I am going through the kitchen & getting rid of the temptations.  Left-over cake, half-eaten bags of tortilla chips, and left-over dips....ADIOS!  They are no longer going to be around to tempt me or put the kids on a sugar high!

I will Collaborate with my fellow coaches & challengers for ACCOUNTABILITY!  I will check in with my challenge groups & confess my poor food choices from the weekend.  I will ask for their support to help keep me on track this week & I will be sure to keep them motivated to make good choices as well.  Team work makes the dream work!

I'm going to LISTEN to my own advice.  Last night I made a meal plan for the week & I'm going to stick to it.  My meal plan is filled with clean, healthy foods that will make me feel great & fuel my body for all I need to do this week.  I will get in all my workouts (starting Block 2 of P90X3 today!). I will drink TONS OF WATER to flush out my system & properly hydrate my body.

Do you need help getting on track with your health & fitness?  Want someone to motivate you & keep you accountable?  Send me a message & we'll work together to make your healthy U-Turn today!

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