
Monday, May 26, 2014

21 Day Fix update - half on the wagon, half off

So I completed my first round of the 21 Day Fix....sort off.  I stayed consistent with my workouts, but during the third week my eating habits got a bit off track.  I didn't totally fall off the wagon, but I had several days that I did not eat enough & I was not on the regular schedule of eating every 2 1/2 -3 hours.  I allowed life to get in the way & didn't plan very well for a few days.  Then came this past weekend.  My hubby turned 40 this past week & being the good wife I am, I planned a surprise party for him on Saturday.  I couldn't bring a bunch of extra food into the house without him getting suspicious, so we had the event catered.  Needless to say, it was not clean eating....the food was DELICIOUS, but I did not take my own best advice & let the food get the best of me.  It would have been all fine & good to get back on track on Sunday...but there were all the leftovers...I couldn't let all that yumminess go to waste!  Long story short, I had cheats on Saturday & Sunday.

Today I felt all puffy, bloated & disappointed that I had not stuck to the practices that I know are best.  I have Coach Summit in Las Vegas in 23 days & I want to be looking my could I let this happen?!?!  Well, it happened & I am not going to beat myself up over it.  Round 2 of the 21 Day Fix started this morning with my Total Body Fix workout & making a meal plan that will help get me back on track!

All in all my first round of the Fix was still a success. I am feeling stronger & more toned.  I have upped the weights I am using in my workouts & I am still down in weight from where I started on day 1.  This second round I am going to be more consistent, despite some obstacles that are in my path (like a girls' trip to Charleston, SC for 5 days!).  I have big goals to reach & I am working hard to make them happen.

21 Day Fix - Day 1 of Round 1                                                        21 Day Fix - Day 21 of Round 1

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