
Thursday, May 15, 2014

21 Day Fix Progress Report

On May 5 I started a new workout program that to be honest, I was skeptical about.  I know that you can get a new workout in 30 minutes, heck, Tony Horton handed my butt to me in 30 minutes with P90X3.  But this program has a new trainer...I wasn't sure I would like the Autumn Calabrese or if I would find her workouts challenging enough after just finishing X3.  Well, I am 10 day into the 21 Day Fix & you may be wondering how I'm doing.


I am seriously loving this workout program & eating plan!  This is the first time in a long while that I have gone 10 days straight & not missed a workout or missed a day & doubled up the next.  I have done my workout even on the days where I was tired or my schedule got mixed up because these 21 Day Workouts are challenging, dynamic, and make me feel awesome!  I have been sore in the best way possible for the past 10 days...more-so in the first week, but still getting some nice sore muscles in week 2 as well.

The combination of weights, cardio, & active recovery days really hits the spot & all the muscle groups that I want to tone up for summertime!  I am already seeing a difference in my arms & abs.  

I have been eating clean for almost two years now, so I am familiar with the concept.  But the reminder to adhere to proper portion sizes through the use of the color-coded food containers has given me a reality check that I was sneaking in a few to many starchy carbs some days & not quite enough veggies other days.  The formula to figure out how many servings I have from each container in a day is simple & I have come up with this little system in the notes section of my phone to help me keep track of what I have eaten each day.

I start out with a little icon for each container I have allotted to eat each day.  As the day goes on & I eat a serving, I delete an icon from the corresponding food group.  I do my best to spread out my containers throughout the day & eat about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours to keep my metabolism burning all day long.

This is just an example of a lunch or dinner salad that I have enjoyed on the 21 Day Fix.  I am NOT going hungry by any stretch of the imagination.  I am eating tons of healthy foods & drinking lots of water. 

I aim to drink 70 oz. of water each day.
140 lbs. / 2 = 70 oz. of water each day

My typical breakfast of old fashioned oats, 1/2 scoop of vanilla Shakeology, a splash of unsweetened almond milk, & lots of yummy fresh berries!  All 21 Day Fix approved!  
Oatmeal = 1 yellow container
1/2 scoop Shakeology = 1/2 red container
berries = 1 purple container

You can even have a chocolate treat on the 21 Day Fix.  It is all about portion control!  I had 1 orange container worth of dark chocolate covered raisins & it hit the spot!

Now it's time for the drum 10 days of the 21 Day Fix I am down 6 lbs!  I have not taken measurements yet (I'm saving that for day 21), but I'm feeling tighter in the tummy & seeing more tone in my arms & booty area too.  So stay tuned folks.  11 Days to go!

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