
Friday, September 18, 2015

Family Flex Friday Contest

In our house fitness is a family affair.  We know that daily exercise helps us to relieve stress, have more energy, feel more confident, and more easily deal with the daily hustle & bustle.  We know the time we invest in our physical health & healthy eating habits pays off with less trips to the doctor, better over-all health, & God-willing, a longer life expectancy.
Momma does a variety of Beachbody home workout programs & teaches PiYo Live fitness classes.  Daddy is an avid runner & also incorporates Beachbody workouts.
All the kiddos pay soccer, love to run, play outdoors, ride bikes, and will sometimes jump in with Mom & Dad's workouts too!
I challenge you to make fitness a family affair in your house this fall!  Whether it is playing sports, taking a walk, going for a bike ride, or sweating it out in your living room...I want to see your family flex your healthy habits. 
Every Friday between now & the end of October I want you to share a picture of you & your family members on or Instagram (find me on IG @jhrbek22) with the hashtag #fitfamiliesflex
All participants will be entered into a weekly drawing for a FREE PRIZE!

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