
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Road Trip Survival Guide

Just the thought of embarking on a cross country road trip can sound overwhelming for many & can invoke images of National Lampoon's Vacation.  Thoughts of meals from fast food joints & snacks from truck stop vending machines make my stomach hurt just thinking about it.

But instead of feeling defeated before the trip even starts, I am going into the journey with a PLAN! 

*I will prepare healthy snacks that we can pack in our cooler & bags to minimize desperate searches for food in random locations.

*I will stop at roadside stands / farmers markets along the way to replenish fresh fruits & veggies.

*I will pack balls, Frisbees, & other items to get my kids & I moving when we are at a rest stop.

I will share my best prep tips & hacks as we prepare for the journey.  Then you can join us as we begin our trek across the country - see how we incorporate wacky roadside workouts, seek out healthy eats at restaurants, & beat road trip boredom.

Join in on the fun via this event on Facebook:

Check out my family's favorite clean eating recipes.

Get daily support for living a healthy lifestyle in my newest accountability group.

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