Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Focus T25 Beta begins!

Well, it took me six weeks to get through the Alpha phase of Focus T25 instead of five (I re-did week 3) & I have finally started the Beta phase yesterday!  Focus T25 is such a well-built workout.  Shaun T has set it up so that you really build the foundation in Alpha before you move onto Beta.  Yesterday I did Core Cardio - it had many familiar moves from Alpha Cardio, but kicked up a notch & a few new moves thrown in there.  Today I did Speed 2.0 - once again, many familiar moves from Speed 1.0, but taken to the next level.  No stretch "breaks" in this workout!  I did find it hard to move my feet fast enough at some points, so I would take a few steps with the modifier, Tania, and then get back to full-force with Shaun T & the rest of the crew.
Are you looking to take your fitness to the next level?  How are you challenging yourself?  I'd love to help you reach your health & fitness goals!  Contact me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FitMommaOfFour

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