
Monday, March 3, 2014

New Confidence, New Adventure

For since day one, I have been a HUGE fan of the reality show Survivor.  I grew up camping & playing board games.  This was like camping & board games on steroids for me.  Outdoors, action, adventure, meeting new people, puzzles, strategy...and the chance to win $1 million.  Sign me up!

I always thought it would be fun to be on the show & toyed with the idea of submitting an application but every time I thought about it a new EXCUSE would creep into my head... Back in the beginning of the show it was "I'm still a college student, I can't take time off of school."  Then it became, "I'm a new teacher, I don't have enough leave time to be able to be gone for 39+ days."  After that came the "baby making phase" of my life...and the excuse is obvious there.

But really, through it all the REAL reason I never submitted my application to Survivor was that I feared I wouldn't be able to keep up, that I wasn't strong enough or physically fit enough.  All the other reasons factored in as well, but I was already trying to figure out in my head how I would make it over walls & running through the jungle when I got out of breath running down the street.

Now I have CRUSHED that excuse into pieces by getting into the best shape of my life!  I am now out of my "baby making phase," I now work from home & have all the flexibility in my schedule I could dream of, and I have decided that there are NO MORE EXCUSES!  I chewed up my fear, spit it out, & today I finally submitted my application to be on Survivor!

Now, will they pick me?  Who knows!  I surely hope they like me, but even if I don't get an email back from the casting directors I still have a big win in my column.  Why do I say that?  Because I overcame a fear, I put myself out there, and I gained the CONFIDENCE to believe that I can ACHIEVE anything I put my mind to do.

My call to action for you?  Think of your biggest, hairiest, scariest goal out there.  Write it down, tell someone about it, post it on Facebook.  Give yourself a deadline & then make a plan to CRUSH IT!  I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to with determination, confidence, & hard work.  I hope it doesn't take you 14 years like it did for me to build up the courage to apply for Survivor, but no matter how long it takes...DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!

Check out my Survivor Audition video:

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