
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Transformation Tuesday - Shout out to my girl, Judy!

Have you met my friend Judy?  Just a little over a year ago I was chatting with Judy about her goals to get into a regular exercise routine, cook healthier meals for her family, and drop a few pounds.  Judy had tried many things on her own, but needed some accountability buddies to keep her going day in & day out.  

Judy wasn't sure about joining a challenge group at first.  But I reassured her that everyone participating in the group was there for a common purpose - to improve their health & to support & motivate one another.  I told Judy that the group would be run in a closed Facebook group, so she did not have to share her trials & tribulations with the world, just the other group members & me, her coach.

Judy decided to go for it!  She liked the idea of learning about clean eating & weekly meal planning.  She was excited about the support & comradeship of the group.  Judy decided to try out Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs & Rockin' Body workouts (because who doesn't love dancing & having a good time while getting your sweat on!).  She started eating clean & replaced one meal a day with Shakeology.  There were ups & there were downs along the road, but Judy was starting to reap the benefits of her new, healthier lifestyle!  

One year & several challenge groups later Judy is continuing to exercise one a regular basis. She knows how to balance healthy eating & a little indulgence now & again.  Judy not only looks AMAZING, but she feels GREAT too!  She is setting a healthy example for her sons & rocking any outfit she chooses.  

I am over-the-moon PROUD of this sweet, caring lady.  Keep up the great work Judy!

Do you want to be the next great transformation story?  
Complete the application below & I will contact you with details about my upcoming groups.

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